Purpose |
It is important at the outset of a project to assess what assignment you are about to solve. How complex is the project and what strategy should we establish for the project. |
Procedure |
In the template the assessed complexity is based on the five parameters. |
The project assignment Project complexity is evaluated based on the needed result and function, the solution approach, quality requirements and the technology used. |
The project approach | |
The complexity is evaluated based on the project timeframe, the methods used, project processes and the structure of the project. | |
Stakeholders | |
Stakeholder complexity is evaluated from the number of stakeholders, their interests, culture and values, and the availability of the stakeholders. | |
Resources | |
The assessment includes the scope of economics and man-years, the necessary competence requirements and resources by geographic location. | |
Surroundings | |
The complexity of the environment is dependent of the project's importance, political conditions, market and technological developments, legislative and cultural issues. | |
In reference to the individual parameters the strategic initiatives planned are listed in the right column. The description of this tool is a relative assessment for each organization and project manager. | |
The tool allows you to define some strategic initiatives, but gives no detailed solutions. The tool can be used in the discussion at the steering committee to assess various project risks. |
Tool 2.1 | Download |
Purpose |
One of the main reasons why project is crumbling, is the lack clarity objectives. It is therefore crucial that objectives are formulated in a way that describes the project assignment in a coherent manner. |
Procedure |
Step 1 Often, the structure of the objective hierarchy is built based on purpose, but it is not a condition. The structure can be made from any deliverable or purpose and the technique is very simple. When a deliverable or object is placed on the wall (post-it), you can move up the hierarchy by asking "How?" and down the hierarchy by asking "Why?". |
Step 2 Hierarchy can be elaborated by asking "How?". Continuing this questioning, the objectives become more and more detailed, and you will in principle eventually end in milestones. |
Step 3 After coming well into the details, you can go up the hierarchy by asking "Why?". It is important to carry out this ascent and descent in the hierarchy few times. Only then do you get the holistic approach. |
Step 4 The separation of objectives and deliverables are defined by drawing a line where the project ends. Or to put it another way: to draw a line above the final deliverables when the project is completed. |
Step 5 After the hierarchy is established, the row below the line will be concrete deliverables that can be used directly in the future planning as work streams. If these objectives are too detailed, we have already reached the milestone level. |
Step 6 As the final step, it is now possible to define the purpose, deliverables and success criteria and see the interconnections. Success criteria are criteria for each sub purpose or purpose. |
Tool 3.1 | Download |
Purpose |
To ensure the business impact of the project, it is often necessary to achieve some behavioral changes in the organization. Therefore, it is a good idea to define which behavior impact is prerequisite for being able to achieve the business impacts. |
It may be appropriate to prepare an impact case, describing the impacts to be created by the project, and then how to measure these impacts during and after the project (Benefit Tracking). | |
Procedure for the
Our starting point is project Objective Breakdown Structure (OBS) that is divided into purpose, deliverables and success criteria. From this, we describe: |
1. The overall impact (KPI’s) | |
2. Business impacts
3. Behavior impact
4. Success criteria |
Measuring points |
Satisfaction |
Absolute figures |
Ratio |
Productivity Productivity is defined as Impact/resource. E.g. number of cases/number of caseworkers, number of decisions/hours. |
Accuracy shots |
When we conduct the measurements (the benefit tracking) they will often take place in the following chronological sequence: |
Behavior impact 1. Reaction & planned actions. 2. Learning & confidence. 3. Application & implementation |
Tool 3.2 | Download |
Purpose |
The stakeholder analysis presents the basic principles behind mapping and managing the project stakeholders. |
Stakeholder analysis contributes to:
Procedure |
Step 1: Identification of stakeholders - who are they?
Step 2: Mapping stakeholders’ - who are the most important stakeholders?
Step 3: Identify stakeholders interests - what is their agenda?
Step 4: Developing strategies for managing stakeholders – what do we do? |
Tool 4.1 | Download |
Purpose |
The milestone plan is developed to provide an overview and to control the deliverables on time, cost and quality. |
To ensure the quality and acceptance of the milestone plan, the plan shall be prepared by the project team. For example in a planning workshop where relevant stakeholders are gathered. |
A good plan meets the following requirements:
Procedure |
The milestone plan is developed by the project team. Time is allocated according to project scope, ranging from half a day to several days. The plan is developed on the wall using paperboard cards or post-it laps. Is the project less than 8 participants, the plan can be prepared in one group. Is the project large, it may be beneficial to split into smaller groups that take separate action (work streams) The following is a brief description of the principles behind the plan structure. These principles also indicate the most important steps in the planning process. |
Examples (Template) |
Milestone plans can advantageously be prepared in IT planning tools such as MS Project. Here are some examples of milestone plans, which may be written in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Template 1 Template 2 Template 3 Template 4 Template 5 |
Tool 5.1 A | Download |
Tool 5.1 B | Download |
Purpose |
Activity description is intended to describe the activities that are prior to the individual milestones. The aim is to ensure a common understanding of the activity and its objectives, and by this way be able to delegate activities in the project. Activity description can also be used generally for the project's main activities to achieve good planning. |
Often the activities can’t be defined for the entire project in detail. Therefore it is very common to plan in different levels. E.g., You can have an overall main activity plan for the entire project and then a more detailed plan for the next phase or for each work stream. |
Procedure |
Activity description can be done in the following way: Define the project's main activities. Often you will start by defining one main activity per milestone. You must then describe how the main activity is decomposed into sub-activities. Some steps can be defined from the start, but many can only be defined in detail as the project progresses. The activity description must show: Agree on who should supervise and perform each main activity, whether it is a department, a working group or project staff. Describe, in dialog with him or her, the task, intended results and documentation, as well as the recommendations that may be delivered for decisions. Then, let the responsible describe the process subtasks, aids needed for coordination, budget, resources and costs. These factors are discussed and documented in a joint agreement. Be aware, however, that the use of tools and equipment can have tremendous impact on activity duration. Therefore, if you have special circumstances that will impact the implementation, it should be noted. |
Tool 5.2 | Download |
Purpose |
The aim is to have the milestones clearly defined. A milestone is a result (partial deliverable) by a fixed date. A good milestone description makes it clear what is to be achieved, at what times, what quality is required and who is responsible. The milestones must be defined before you can define which activities are needed to carry out the project. I.e., you define what is to be delivered before discussing how this should be done. The milestone descriptions should be made by the person responsible for providing the milestone this is done in dialog with the project manager. |
Procedure |
It requires diligence to formulate unique milestones. First of all milestones achieved are described as a condition and not as an activity. Next, acceptance criteria and a deadline should be indicated in the description. A milestone is not: A milestone is: Criteria for approval In other cases it is not possible to have such a quantitative quality criteria, since this is due to a steering committee or a customer who is satisfied with the result. An example is: "Report on waste water pollution approved by the environment committee”. Milestones must be described as other objectives: SMART. (Specific, measurable, accepted, realistic, time-based) The appropriate level |
Tool 5.3 | Download |
Purpose |
The Gantt plan is the most widely used tool for illustrating project timing and activities deadlines. The Gantt plan is mainly used for the project's main schedule. The method is good at giving an overview. |
Procedure |
The Gatt plan is not as well suited for follow-up on the project, as it is difficult to determine how far each activity is in relation to the expected state, unless the activities are completed, and a result is available (milestone). Gantt chart gives a temporal dimension from left to right. Activity and timing are indicated by sticks. In the activity column you describe the project activities and milestones for each target area. Choose an appropriate time distribution so that time can be read with sufficient precision. |
Tool 5.4 | Download |
Purpose |
The purpose of the estimation is to obtain:
Since the projects are one-time tasks, nothing can be calculated completely objective, but there are several methods to produce a good estimate. |
Procedure |
The estimation can be implemented in many different ways. Four activity types Resource-dependent activities Process-dependent activities Procedure-dependent activities Problem-dependent activities |
Three-point estimation • G: “Likely guess”, i.e. the most likely estimate. |
![]() |
The following formula is often used in popular PC planning tools for estimating the mean value: Consequently, it is more realistic to indicate the times as intervals. If the plan needs to be more certain, it is necessary to calculate an “addition” to the mean value. The spread S is an expression of this “addition”, which you must work with to achieve greater certainty that the estimate can contain: 68 percent certainty: Time consumption is max. M +S |
Template 1 can be used to conduct the three-point estimation |
Successive calculation and planning Successive calculation builds on the principle that activities with a large spread can be broken down into sub-activities via one or more steps until all spreads are approximately the same size. The smaller sub-activities are more manageable, and can be estimated more precise, because they contain only one type of activity. |
![]() |
In the figure, the activity A has a sizeable spread. This is therefore broken down into activities B and C, where activity C is relatively uncertain and therefore has a large spread. That activity is therefore broken down into D and E, which reveals that D has a sizeable spread and must therefore be broken down again into activities F and G. The mean value M of the series of activities is calculated as: The total spread S of the series of activities is calculated as: ![]() It’s a good idea to continue breaking down the activities until the total spread can no longer be reduced. Any further breakdown will be a waste of time. For some projects, the breakdown process continues until an acceptable degree of uncertainty has been reached, for instance measured as a percentage of the mean. |
Template 2 can be used to conduct successive calculation. |
Tool 5.5 A | Download |
Tool 5.5 B | Download |
Purpose |
We define a Risk R as the Likelihood L that an event will occur with a specific Consequence C: R = L x C. The risk, then, is a product of the likelihood that something will happen and the consequence of it happening. It may therefore be relevant to reduce either the likelihood or the consequence – and in some cases to plan on reducing both. When we discuss risks, it is always based on some notion about how the project will be carried out. Risk can only be defined based on an existing plan. Risk analysis can be broken down into two elements: what are the greatest risks and what do we do about them. |
Procedure |
What are the greatest risks? Prevention and mitigation
The choice of strategy depends on the conditions below. High likelihood, minor consequence High likelihood, serious consequence (high risk) Both the preventive and the mitigating measures need to be specific enough that they can be incorporated into the milestone plan. After completing the risk analysis, the plan must be adjusted – otherwise the plan would not be more robust. |
Tool 5.6 | Download |
Purpose |
The purpose for this description is to ensure that a financial follow-up is possible both in terms of project costs and in terms of business impact. The aim is to ensure that the budget is structured so that it can be used for follow-up. It requires that there is a relationship between the economy, milestones and deliverables. |
Procedure |
Project budget Project costs can be budgeted and monitored using the template "Economy Follow-up on milestones". In a program or portfolio, the total cost can be followed using the template: "Economy tracking projects in phase model". Business follow-up requires that there are defined success criteria. If you select the same success criteria for all projects, these can be summed to a business value. Follow-up on the business requires, beyond the financial follow-up that you also followed up on the success criteria. It is a good idea to follow up on the success criteria in each phase, as the knowledge base grows. It is important to note that the business impact may change significantly, although the cost of the project itself has not changed. The success criteria that may be relevant to follow may for example be: Increased gross margins due to higher market share, increased gross margins due to higher selling prices and lower production cost. It could be savings due to fewer errors, shorter lead, etc. |
Tool 5.7 | Download |
Purpose |
Description of responsibilities used to clarify expectations and define the project participants' roles and responsibilities and to ensure that the responsibilities and tasks are well thought out and clearly communicated. The Responsibilities form must be introduced as a tool at project start, i.e. when the project team is working to make the plan for the project. |
Procedure |
Note all involved in the project in the top row - both project participants in the team, steering committee members and reference group members. Note how the individual should be involved or the individual's role:
Ensure compliance with the plan. Each team member is assigned a line. In the intersections indicate the roles using a letter symbol. Choose a relevant sample of the symbols. Agreements on responsibilities and tasks should be done in dialog with project participants. If the project makes this alone he/she reduces the likelihood that the individual participant is experiencing the description as a commitment. |
Tool 6.1 | Download |
Purpose |
The project should be organized so that it is anchored firmly in the leadership, the rest of the organization and with any external partners. The purpose is to ensure the project the best possible working conditions. The project organization should be visible, it must be designed for each project, it must be a quorum and be customer oriented. |
Procedure |
The project is organized in three different units. The steering committee, incl. project owner
It is therefore important that the steering committee is placed at the right level. It should not be so high that the leaders do not have the time or interest in the project. On the other hand the steering committee needs to have the necessary power. A small and powerfull steering committee is appropriate. The project team For larger projects, it is appropriate to have a core group consisting of project manager and subproject leaders. Each subproject has a number of participants. Reference groups or hearing committees Organizing the project is much essential for its success. It's a big part of the project manager's job to ensure that the organization is in order. It is important that the project manager - along with the project owner – does not struggle to get the project organized appropriately. |
Tool 6.2 | Download |
Purpose |
The purpose of resource contract is to provide an overview of the resources expended in the project and to make a clear agreement with each project participant about what he/she expected to contribute concerning time and deliverables. |
Procedure |
The resource contract is an agreement between the project participants and the project manager. The project manager can get an overview of resource use in the project making an aggregation of the resource contracts. The employee can get an overview of its work load with projects making an aggregation of the individual contracts from various projects. The project manager can by adding the employees' contracts get a picture of the project workload in the department. The resource contract is completed on the basis of a conversation between team member and project manager. The contract can be completed at the end of that conversation or a party afterwards, which requires that both parties approve the contract subsequently. Resource contract is only useful if both parties attach value to them. It often requires that the management team also demand them. Resource contract is best suited to projects where it is possible to some extent to predict the drain of resources. |
Tool 6.3 | Download |
Purpose |
The purpose of the project journal is to:
Project Journal is used by the project manager and subproject managers, who are responsible for different areas of responsibility. It is completed by a person who is chairing the meeting, the secretary or project manager. Project Journal is used instead of minutes. The Project Journal has the advantage that there is only one list to be used for follow-up, in contrast to the minutes of meetings in which one often has to take two to three minutes back to allow follow-up.
Procedure |
The Project Journal is completed in the sense that all decisions will be noted. At each decision it is stated who is responsible, and when the activity / decision must be completed. At the project meetings the team used the Project Journal for follow-up. The agreed decision can be "chopped off" when it is finished. This means that the list become shorter from the "top" and longer at the "bottom", when new things are agreed. The result is that there is always only one list of outstanding issues. The Project Journal does not substitute active monitoring and management, but is a good tool to maintain decisions and keep participants up on agreements. |
Tool 7.1 | Download |
Purpose |
The purpose of the meeting minutes is to maintain decisions taken at meetings relating to the project. |
Procedure |
The project manager is responsible for the preparation of the minutes, but does not need to write the minutes. However, it is important that the project manager approves the minutes and ensures that the most important points and decisions are clear before it is distributed to the other participants for information or approval. The minutes are only interesting if it they are used actively to document decisions made at meetings, including who is responsible for the execution of certain actions. |
Tool 7.2 | Download |
Purpose |
The aim of the project review is to:
Procedure |
Review takes place in the following steps 1. Call for key personnel from relevant disciplines or organizational units. 2. Preparation. Before the meeting, all information on how individuals should prepare. Which point of view should be used during the review? The review carried out for certain viewing angles "glasses". For example - a design reviews with safety glasses, environmental concerns, from manufacturing or serviceability, etc. Participants must be able to assess the following:
Each participant has at least one positive and one critical remark. 3. The review - the execution of the meeting
4. Documentation of results The moderator is responsible for the minutes. 5. After the meeting |
Tool 7.3 | Download |
Purpose |
The communication plan must ensure that the project has a strategy for how and when to communicate to the relevant stakeholders in the project. The purpose is to:
It is crucial to consider the project's communications already in the initial planning. The communication plan must be developed in the project's start-up phase, specifically after the stakeholder analysis and risk analysis have been made, as they both provide valuable input to the communication plan. |
Procedure |
Template 8.1 outlining the what a good communication plan should include. Below are the items elaborated: Who: Which stakeholder is targeted for communication What: What is the message? Where: The medium or the place where the communication should occur, who is the sender? What impact: What will you achieve that stakeholders must do as a result of the communication? When: Specify in relation to phases and milestones the timing. Responsibility: Who in the project team is responsible? The communication plan should be included as a work stream in the plan, and there must be formulated milestones and actions. |
In an organizational change project, it is appropriate to assess stakeholders' opposition to the planned changes. The method is well suited to develop alternative approaches to minimize resistance from various stakeholders. The analysis is performed to:
Develop measures that can minimize stakeholder resistance and maximize their proceeds.
The “Resistance to Change Mapping” can be used in many contexts and forums. For example. can the project team develop it on behalf of the stakeholders? The purpose here is to make the team clear on the stakeholders' attitude to the project.
The analysis can also be conducted with the stakeholders: it requires a good facilitator who manages to involve the stakeholders in the following steps.
Step 1:
The current situation is noted in Template 8.3 in the left column. Why should the current situation change? In the same step the vision and benefits of the future situation is described in the right column.
Step 2:
All the benefits of the current situation are described, seen in the eyes of the stakeholder group.
After the advantages describe the drawbacks of the future situation. These drawbacks will often be directly related to the employees' uncertainty and fear concerning the future.
Step 3:
Conclude in terms of the stakeholder group's perception of the upcoming change. The stakeholders will often feel that they are losing the benefits they have and get the disadvantages of the future system. Often they have difficulty seeing the drawbacks of the current system and the vision of the future system.
Tool 8.2 | Download |
Purpose |
By spending time in a targeted recruitment of project Participants, the project leader may secure influence on how the project team is composed and hence the persons he/she has to the work within the project. The purpose is to:
Procedure |
There is a big difference in project maturity in various organizations in terms og recruitment procedures for project managers and participants. In some organizations, the rule is that all the jobs relate to projects and are posted on a common "project exchange" so that employees can apply here. Elsewhere, the line management will appoint project manager and participants and enter into formal contracts, while a third variant is that the project itself will find participants to the project and are dependent on each participant who find the project interesting. .The recruitment process can be considered in the following steps: Step 1: Preliminary analysis of needs
Step 2: Design of advertisement Step 3: Dialogue with middle managers Consider in particular:
Step 4: Conduct interviews and selection of suitable candidates Step 5: Conclusion of resource contracts Step 6. The first conversation between the project manager and project participant.
Purpose |
The purpose of defining rules or a team constitution is to create a common understanding in the project of how the cooperation should be carried out. Team members shall formulate the rules that precisely this group should work according to. The team constitution can be defined in the start-up or on the way if you experience emerging conflicts. In the beginning, there is typically no conflict, allowing a freer discussion. The team constitution can help to prevent or reduce conflicts - provided they actively used. |
Procedure |
Preparation: The project manager should consider where this group needs clear agreements concerning the cooperation, before the group starts. E.g. What do we do when we disagree on the method? What do we do when some of the group did not participate in a meeting? How do we distribute the less exciting tasks? The group may of course find a common team constitution just by talking about it in the team, but here is a little more systematic approach. The tool 'The Team Constitution’ "was developed friendly inspired from the book "Active Project Management" by Andersen, Ahrengot and Ryding Olsson, Børsen 2002. Working on the team constitution takes 2-3 hours, and there is a need for follow-up later when the team undergoes the minutes of the agreed statements. The tool consists of 18 statements that the team is working on in three steps: 1. Individual answers. The project manager can also select the statements that he / she considers most important and limit himself/herself to using these. In order to have an impact, the rules must be used actively in the future cooperation. E.g., for regular evaluations of the work in the project team. |
Tool 9.2 | Download |
Purpose |
Evaluation and feedback are tools that identify inappropriate behavior and provide an opportunity to correct this. Another purpose of the evaluation is to give - and get - information about what you as a project participant do well. The good feedback and evaluation obviously promote the required behavior while the individual and group develop self-confidence and energy. |
Procedure |
The first prerequisite for evaluating the work is that the project manager ensures that all are evaluated along the way. By pre-positioning evaluation sessions at selected points in the project, for example, after each milestone or after every third meeting, you will ensure that there is time for evaluations in the project. The second requirement is that the project manager creates a framework which ensures that the evaluation will be appreciative, specific, constructive and forward-looking. The evaluation shall not only give the interested persons motivation and self-confidence, but must also inspire for a better effort next time. They will find many ways to do this. The following describes three small methods for evaluation and feedback. 1. Evaluation of the group's work Consider both process and outcome Getting all the people on the field, so it is not only the most "vociferous" that dominates. The feedback is not a public "punishment" of individuals in the project, but a serious dialog that creates future learning. Everyone involved in the evaluation, is starting to fill in the form below individually. Think of both the group's cooperation in the project and the project results. You may agree to focus on a more limited area for evaluation, for e.g. dialog with the steering committee, cooperation in the recently completed phase. |
Tool 9.3 | Download |
Purpose |
Planning Workshop is used at the project start and at the phase start. The aim is to:
Procedure |
The participants in the planning workshop are the project staff. The usefulness of the workshop is precisely that all project participants are involved, including those who only need to make a performance later in the process. The project team devotes a day or two depending on the project scope. The plan is drawn up on the wall using cardboard cards or Post-it stickers. If the project team is less than eight participants, you can prepare the plan in one group. If the project is large, it may be beneficial to split into smaller groups, each working in his field of action (workstream). A planning workshop may well be held with participation of customers and suppliers. But it must then be prepared extra well. Besides at the start of the project, a planning workshop can also be used with advantage in the following situations: Change of pace: The project should be finished earlier than planned, or it is for other reasons necessary to increase the pace. Restart: The project is delayed or has been paused. Now you want to restart the project and bring it back on track. Phase start-up: At the start of each phase in larger projects, it may be fruitful to conduct a detailed planning of the next phase. This ensures insight, motivation, and focus on the critical elements of phase and shall ensure that any new project participant will obtain knowledge and commitment. Crisis seminar/problem-solving seminar: Crisis can often be resolved by the project team if they meet and draw up plans: "What do we do now". Transfer to operation: It may be appropriate that the project team and representatives of the operating organization conduct a seminar together where the transition into operation is planned. |
Purpose |
The form "Project List" completed to:
The project list is a list of all the projects, indicating the most important project information, eg. project number, project manager, budget, termination, indicating the current phase, success criteria, project priority and risk figures. |
Procedure |
Tool 10.1 | Download |
Purpose |
The project portfolio is shown graphically in order to:
The graphical overview is used during meetings in the project committee or steering committee to qualify the discussions on possible decisions. The statement works in some cases as a graphic representation of information in the project list. |
Procedure |
Before deciding which type of report that is appropriate to the situation, it is important to clarify the following:
Example 1: Portfolio Overview – the project list Example 2: Timeline Indicating the status This type of report is often used in project portfolios where resource allocation can be crucial. The statement does not indicate importance or significance. The individual projects are plotted as an Gant chart with signal colors indicating the overall risk. In Example 2A, the gray color indicates project progress today. Green indicates low risk, that there is high probability for future compliance. In Example 2B, the assessed delays are plotted. It can be the rule that it must always be considered for projects that are not green. If resources from project 3 must be used in the future project, there may be problems with resource allocation. Example 3: Classical portfolio overview Review can be complemented with different color codes and texts in circles. In this case, the projects are placed on two axes concerning strategic importance and risk. The circles determine each project resource consumption. |
Tool 10.2 | Download |
Purpose |
The template "Project KPI’s" is completed to:
Collect data on project development for collecting experience. The most important figures are assembled on one page, creating an overview of the project's development and history. The table is constructed in such a way that it always shows the project status against plan and budget. The project manager can use the chart to collect experiences and adjust the estimates. The steering committee is using the form for assessment of the project's development, especially the commercial development of the project and to prioritize multiple projects. |
Procedure |
The form follows the project throughout the project life cycle and can be placed on the project portal. The updated schedule is forwarded to the steering committee as input to all decisionmaking meetings. At steering committee meetings project importance is defined, and imported into the table. That way there is an updated assessment of the individual projects importance in the portfolio. The figures from this table can be joined to an overview indicating the portfolio total business value. In order to ensure overview, it is necessary to limit the number of information. There is a tendency that the project's importance and risk figures are repetitions of the previous assessments. It is important to conduct a proper assessment each time. |
Calculating the value
On the basis of ratios from all the projects, it is possible quarterly to make a count of the last current column of ratios forms. This could be done in the form below. This form will then indicate the total value of the project portfolio. This requires that all projects indicate the same type of success criteria, for example, sales for the next three years, saving, change in gross margin. It will also be possible to calculate the total payback time for the portfolio. It can be valuable to follow developments in the portfolio's total value. |
Tool 10.3 | Download |
Purpose |
The analysis of risk level or the health check is completed to:
Procedure |
A uniform way of assessing project risk level. Some talk about the project "health" or health checks, but then the scale must be reversed. More people benefit from the Health check or Risk level check
When a project phase is completed, the project team completes the form in the project. The risk level are discussed, so that the entire project team has a common understanding of what risk factors there will be in the next phase. The form "risk-level check" has the following structure: For each section, the total is calculated, which is then divided by 10. The totals for each section are transferred to page 1 in the tool. The totals for the different sections are summed finally on page one. There may be a tendency that the scores are repetitions of the previous assessments. It is important that you do a proper assessment each time. |
Tool 10.4 | Download |
Purpose |
The table "Strategic Fit" is completed in order to:
Procedure |
Carry out an assessment of its "Strategic Fit" based on a series of statements. These statements focus on the benefits desired by the project. These can be strategic, political or commercial benefits. The product committee /steering committee is using the form for portfolio management and prioritization of individual projects.
It is essential that relevant parameters are selected, when the statements are formulated. It is important that the criteria on this form can be found in the project success criteria, as they should describe what you want to achieve with the project. |
Tool 10.5 | Download |
Purpose |
Project auditing is conducted to assess whether the organization is executing projects aligned with the project management model and the project model. The aim is to improve the project execution, so that it is consistent with the project management model or to adjust the model, where it is not appropriate. |
Procedure |
The project audit is carried out by the program management, project committee, project manager or steering committee. Often, the project management office is responsible for the practical implementation of the audit. The results of the audit can be used to launch project manager training, describe the project processes that are not appropriate or adjust in project work form. The audit is to verify that the projects are carried out as prescribed. This means that it is a prerequisite that the project process is described in a project management model, otherwise there is nothing to audit! The auditing is done in this way: The project manager is invited for an interview, where the project is reviewed. It is judged whether meetings are held as scheduled, is the plan followed, are administrative routines followed, e.g., is stakeholder analysis prepared has risk analysis been conducted, are there minutes of meetings. They may also be involved conducting interviews of project participants or to ask them to fill in a form similar to the Health check or Risk level check (see this tool). Based on the results, the individual project manager gets feedback on his own management. The total picture from all projects will provide the project director feedback on where the project work form should be professionalized. Beware it may not seem like control the idea is organizational learning. It is unethical to measure project managers up to standards, they are not familiar with or trained in. Auditing therefore requires a described project management model, and the project managers are trained in it, and that the management itself follows it. |
Purpose |
The Project Management Model should ensure the quality of all the management activities in the projects. The Project Model is designed to ensure the quality of the project product. It provides a common language and terminology of the organization with respect to the project execution and the project process. There are differences on a ” Project Management Model” and a ” Project Model” The Project Management Model ensure "the quality of the project management". The focus is typically on the requirements for project organization, roles, responsibilities, decision points, management tools and reporting, etc. The Project Models ensure quality through standardization of methods, tools, etc. concerning solution of specific project types and is therefore focusing on typical process / methods within a specific academic discipline, or special type of project . |
Procedure |
Start by defining the types of projects implemented in the organization. There may be different requirements for different types of projects, but it is appropriate to have one overall generic project management model. The Project Management Model consists of:
The Project Models consist of:
Tool 10.7 | Download |
Purpose |
The project description defines the three corners of The project description (contract) is the agreement concluded between the steering committee and the project. The contract describes what the project must deliver at the termination, as well as what the steering committee has to "pay" for this service – the resources. |
Procedure |
Normally, the steering committee or the client makes an overall draft for their wishes to deliverables and deadline. It's is then the project manager and key project participants' task to analyze how these desires or objectives can be achieved. They then prepare a proposal for the project description, which then must be negotiated with the steering committee or project owner. Once the agreement has been reached in the contract, it becomes the existing agreement between the project owner and the project team. The agreement is mutual and can’t be changed without both parties' consent. Attached you find two examples of such a project description / project contract. The first example will supply you with the necessary points to be described in a project description. The second example comes from a specific company. Here are the descriptions so extensive that the contract is merely a front for the entire documents can be on many pages. The contract is used as a cover and table of contents for the documents to be approved by the steering committee. The contract is signed by the project manager and the steering committee chairman or project owner. |
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Purpose |
The idea descriptions form is designed to get ideas documented in a fast and simple way. The Idea descriptions form is constructed such that it can be completed without knowing all the facts concerning market size, cost and so on. These business conditions must be clarified later if it turns out that the idea is interesting. |
Procedure |
The form is completed by the creator (author) and archived in a central idea bank. The idea will be discussed at regular meetings in the product committee and will be assessed and prioritized. If the idea is interesting, there will be allocated resources for detailed investigations of market conditions and technological opportunities. The disposition of the form indicates the minimum requirements for a good idea. Already by filling out the form there will be a sorting, because there is actually not a product idea, if it is not possible to describe the six points in the form. At the top of the form you record the customer segment. It is important because the value of the idea depends on the customer group involved. Description of the product idea Description of the market, the customers use of the product. Technical conditions How is your product better than existing solutions and how it differs from competing products? What benefits will the customer group receive from this new product compared to known solutions? Why should we be the first? Are we the best for this solution? Is it a good business? |
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